Summer Semester 2025

3 seminars: Vertiefung zu Sustainability & Change (5608-071)

The aim of the course is to deepen and practically apply knowledge of Sustainability & Change.  Students deal intensively with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in various contexts. Over the course of the semester, the students' task is to develop ideas on how one or more SDGs can be achieved in various subject areas. In order to develop their ideas and work on their persuasiveness, the students hear from practice partners from the subject areas over the course of the semester and receive training in the art of presenting and debating. The highlight of the course is a digital simulation game that allows students to slip into different roles and experience the effects of their decisions in simulations.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalog

Urteilen und Entscheiden (5600-211)

People have to make judgments and decisions all the time. In this module, students learn the basics of judgment and decision-making: How are objects or actions judged, how are decisions made? And how are judgments and decisions related? Rational actions are dealt with, but deviations and decision errors are also examined in more detail. Theories that explain behavior, heuristics, the influence of experience, and decision support systems are discussed in greater depth.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalog

Projektseminar Humboldt Reloaded: Zielkonflikte der Nachhaltigkeit (5000-341)

“The relationship between sustainability goals from the consumer's perspective ”

Although the dimensions of sustainability - ecological, social and economic - are conceptually aligned with the overarching goal of sustainable development, they can interact in different ways - they can complement and reinforce each other or contradict each other. Conflicting sustainability goals arise when the achievement of one goal directly hinders the achievement of another. Economic goals such as growth, for example, often conflict with environmental protection or social sustainability. However, ecological and social goals can also conflict, such as between land efficiency and biodiversity in organic farming.

During the seminar, we will look at whether consumers perceive the relationships between sustainability goals and what influence these have on their purchasing decisions.

Language: German

Corporate Sustainability Reporting aus strategischer Sicht

This lecture provides comprehensive knowledge and practical skills on the latest developmenssts in sustainability and corporate reporting. Topics include the Green Deal Refresh, an overview of the European Green Deal and its implications for companies, and the basics of CSRD reporting. This is followed by a detailed exploration of the Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) and Impact, Risks, and Opportunities (IROs) in reporting. Other topics include rating and investor perspective, integration into risk management, data collection techniques and Target Operating Models (TOM) for an effective sustainability strategy. The series also offers insights into CSRD from an auditor's perspective. Identification and avoidance of greenwashing is covered as well as climate risk analysis and the development of a climate transition plan. A practical exercise for the joint analysis of a real CSRD report rounds off the lecture series.

Language: German

Link to the course catalog will be added soon.

Bewertungsverfahren der Nachhaltigkeit (5600-221)

In this course, the focus lies on teaching students the methodology of life cycle assessment (LCA). In addition, other methods for social and economic assessment are also taught in order to cover all aspects of sustainability. In an accompanying course project, students learn how to apply LCA to specific examples and how to interpret and critically evaluate the result. The course covers both the scientific principles of the methodology and the use of the results for decision support, e.g. in sustainability management. Practical examples and case studies provide students with a comprehensive insight into the evaluation of sustainability. At the end of the course, they will be able to independently understand sustainability-related assessments, question them critically and make well-founded decisions.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalog


Winter Semester 2024/2025

Integratives Seminar zu Sustainability & Change (5608-141)

A large number of studies have attempted to analyse the connection between psychological constructs such as motivation, attitudes or identity and the personal CO2 impact. These studies have come to different conclusions. The aim of this seminar is to explicitly examine this ambiguity from a psychological perspective and to work out the reasons for it. Among other things, we will look at how a prosocial personality, a specific motivation to save CO2, socio-economic status, different ways of calculating the CO2 impact, the willingness to pursue a sufficient lifestyle or the difficulty of different behaviours can potentially explain the differences in the results. The findings gathered by the students can be used to draw conclusions as to which political, structural and psychological-interventionist levers can be used to achieve individual CO2 savings. In addition, the results contribute to continuing the debate on the existing ambiguity of the link between psychological constructs and personal CO2 impact.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalogue

Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (5801-041)

The module imparts basic knowledge about scientific working methods and procedures. Students learn to distinguish between different phases of scientific work and to grasp their significance. They acquire scientific theoretical basics and can understand the process of a study. Practical aspects such as research and source evaluation are also taught. A central element of this module is the preparation of a scientific exposé in group work. An important step in this process is peer review, in which students give each other feedback. Through this process, students will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to real research situations and deepen their skills in critically evaluating and developing scientific work. The module promotes the understanding of scientific working methods and their practical application in research situations.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalogue

Smart Sustainability (5707-281)

The students understand the special role of information and communication technologies for sustainability. They can discuss the opportunities of various technologies for the environment, as well as for society and economy, and are aware of the challenges that need to be taken into account when applying these technologies (e.g. biases in algorithms, or an increase in inequality through barriers to access to technology). In this module, different areas of application (e.g. smart cities, customer relationship management, Industry 4.0) and different technologies (e.g. blockchain, machine learning) are examined and analyzed against the background of sustainable development.

Click here for the course catalogue

Humboldt Reloaded Seminar: Der Zusammenhang zwischen Nachhaltigkeitsmotivation und persönlichem CO2-Impact - eine unerklärliche Ambiguität?


Summer Semester 2024

3 seminars: Vertiefung zu Sustainability & Change (5608-071)

The aim of the course is to deepen and practically apply knowledge of Sustainability & Change.  Students deal intensively with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in various contexts. Over the course of the semester, the students' task is to develop ideas on how one or more SDGs can be achieved in various subject areas. In order to develop their ideas and work on their persuasiveness, the students hear from practice partners from the subject areas over the course of the semester and receive training in the art of presenting and debating. The highlight of the course is a digital simulation game that allows students to slip into different roles and experience the effects of their decisions in simulations.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalog

Urteilen und Entscheiden (5600-211)

People have to make judgments and decisions all the time. In this module, students learn the basics of judgment and decision-making: How are objects or actions judged, how are decisions made? And how are judgments and decisions related? Rational actions are dealt with, but deviations and decision errors are also examined in more detail. Theories that explain behavior, heuristics, the influence of experience, and decision support systems are discussed in greater depth.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalog

Bewertungsverfahren der Nachhaltigkeit (5600-221)

In this course, the focus lies on teaching students the methodology of life cycle assessment (LCA). In addition, other methods for social and economic assessment are also taught in order to cover all aspects of sustainability. In an accompanying course project, students learn how to apply LCA to specific examples and how to interpret and critically evaluate the result. The course covers both the scientific principles of the methodology and the use of the results for decision support, e.g. in sustainability management. Practical examples and case studies provide students with a comprehensive insight into the evaluation of sustainability. At the end of the course, they will be able to independently understand sustainability-related assessments, question them critically and make well-founded decisions.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalog


Winter Semester 2023/2024

Einführung zu Sustainability & Change (5608-011)

  • Concepts of sustainable development
  • Sustainability Transitions
  • The importance of selected economic actors for sustainable development

    • Large enterprises
    • Start-Ups
    • Consumers
    • Political regulation
    • Non-governmental organizations
    • Scientific actors

Language: German

Click here for the course catalogue

Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (5801-041)

The module imparts basic knowledge about scientific working methods and procedures. Students learn to distinguish between different phases of scientific work and to grasp their significance. They acquire scientific theoretical basics and can understand the process of a study. Practical aspects such as research and source evaluation are also taught. A central element of this module is the preparation of a scientific exposé in group work. An important step in this process is peer review, in which students give each other feedback. Through this process, students will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to real research situations and deepen their skills in critically evaluating and developing scientific work. The module promotes the understanding of scientific working methods and their practical application in research situations.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalogue

Click here for ILIAS

Integratives Seminar zu Sustainability & Change (5608-141)

In the seminar "Chatbots in marketing - sustainability analysis (seminar 1) and effect on consumers (seminar 2)", current issues regarding the use of chatbots in marketing are discussed. In the seminar, marketing ads are created with and without chatbot support. The focus will be on the role of personal motives of chatbot users (seminar 1) and the impact of AI-supported marketing on consumers (seminar 2).

Language: German

Click here for the course catalogue

Click here for ILIAS

Summer Semester 2023

3 seminars: Vertiefung zu Sustainability & Change (5608-071)

In this course, students learn about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in different contexts. Over the course of the semester, students will be tasked with developing ideas on how one or more of the SDGs can be achieved. To do this, the students slip into roles they have devised themselves and try to apply for fictitious funding as entrepreneurs, NGOs or researchers. In order to elaborate their ideas and work on their persuasiveness, the students hear from practice partners from the topic areas during the course of the semester and receive training in the art of presenting and debating.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalogue

Click here for ILIAS

Urteilen und Entscheiden (5600-211)

People have to make judgments and decisions all the time. In this module, students learn the basics of judgment and decision-making: How are objects or actions judged, how are decisions made? And how are judgments and decisions related? Rational actions are dealt with, but deviations and decision errors are also examined in more detail. Theories that explain behavior, heuristics, the influence of experience, and decision support systems are discussed in greater depth.

Language: German

Click here for the course catalogue

Click here for ILIAS

Bewertungsverfahren der Nachhaltigkeit (5600-221)